Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Puppy lessons

Good news is, the puppies are doing well. They are so adorable, and spooning! Martin has been home during the day and working nights, which has allowed for lots of playtime. Corbin has a huge amount of energy and is just such alittle cutie:) Its amazing how having alittle puppy has allowed us to work together more, great practice! Before we got Corbin I was nervous about how we would raise 2 puppies. Lealu likes it when we sit with her when she eats and when we give lots of attention to her, but she has been really great with Corbin. When Martin is home, he sits with one dog and I sit with the other while they eat, and when he's not here, I usually sit with the new puppy and Lealu will still eat her food. I think Corbin is a really wonderful addition to our family! Not only is him being here teaching Lealu about eating on her own, but also how to share attention.

The house raising is going to take longer than we expected. The builder came by this past weekend with the mason and they gave us a start date of early August, the mason said he was really busy until then.  I said how important it was to have the house done by the time school starts in September, and well, maybe I begged alittle to make the start date earlier, and as they were leaving, he told Martin late July. So its bit earlier, and hopefully will only take the 2 weeks the builder said it would, and we will be able to get most of the stuff done with carpets etc before September. One thing I've realized is that everything takes longer than expected, which might not always be a bad thing but can be frustrating! I have to remember that everything happens in its own time, the way God and the universe intend it.  Thank God for yoga, thats all I gotta say!

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