Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Singing in the Rain!

Its raining! and mushy and gushy and horrible outside! I'm lucky because one time I forgot my umbrella and instead of spending 5$ for a crappy one on the street, I well...got soaked because I refused to pay an extra 2$ for an umbrella that the umbrella seller (very wisely) jacked the price up for. It was awhile ago so I'm not sure if I also got sick, but probably:)  That day taught me to always keep my umbrella with me, or else fork over 5$ every time it rains to a guy yelling "Get your umbrella!" at the Union Square subway station overhang.  The best umbrella is a totes, not only because they are strongly supported and make a tough fabric shelter, but because they fold up to the tinest little ball and fit wonderfully in my purse! So buy yourself a tote (or some other compactible umbrella) and you will save so much!

Its also totally worthwhile to get a pair of rainboots. I know I know they are kind of a not-needed item, but if you are walking in the city and subway through the high puddles today or on the next crazy rain day, you will be so happy you have them! Wearing regular shoes would just soak your feet in cold slushy water. Jumping confidently into a foot high puddle with your completely protected water proofed feet at a crosswalk isn't nearly as dreadful and is actually kind of fun!

Don't forget to sing in the rain! :)

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